United States Sales Tax

Shopify Tax offers the highest level of sales tax compliance with the least amount of upkeep for merchants that sell to customers in the United States.

United States Sales Tax

Sale Date

The date on which the sales order was placed.

Order No

The number allotted to an order depending on when it was received.

Line Item ID

Item ID of the respective product in the Order.

Product name

The name of the product sold.

Tax Jurisdiction

The tax jurisdiction applied to the order.

Tax Jurisdiction County

The county where the tax jurisdiction is applied.

Destination Country

The country where tax is applied to the order.

Destination City

The city where tax is applied to the order.

Destination Postal Code

The postal code of the order’s destination.

Row Type

Indicates whether the tax is applied to the order, shipping, transaction, etc.

Shopify Reference ID

The order reference ID used by Shopify.

Tax Amount*

Amount collected by applying the respective tax for an order.

Line Item Sale

Also referred to as the gross sales amount of the order.


Any discounts applied to the product or the order.


Amount collected to ship products from a location.

Net Sales

Equates to gross sales - discounts - returns.

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Sales Tax Automation

Sales Tax Automation

Automates the calculation and collection of U.S. sales taxes across different states.
Eliminate Manual Updates

Eliminate Manual Updates

With automated tax tracking and reporting, Shopify Tax reduces the need for manual updates and adjustments.
Assess Tax Liability

Assess Tax Liability

The tax report provides detailed data on tax amounts collected per state, giving merchants clear visibility into their tax liabilities.

Canadian Tax Report

A report to track all Canadian taxes applicable on received orders, including GST, PST, HST, and QST, with taxable and non-taxable sales values.

Monthly Tax Summary

A report for a month-over-month overview of total sales, highlighting taxable and non-taxable amounts, with a detailed listing of all taxes applied for each month.

Tax Report

Whether you’re a US-based seller or not, complying with tax codes for ecommerce can be like navigating a minefield. The only way you’ll make it through is if you have accurate, timely tax data for guidance. That’s where the Tax Report by Report Pundit steps in. It neatly summarizes all taxes collected by your Shopify store, making it stress-free to file your tax forms accurately.

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Unlock the full potential of your Shopify store with Report Pundit. Gain access to over 2000 data fields, automate reports, and make data-backed decisions to grow your business.