Most Valuable Customers

A template designed to identify and list your most profitable customers, highlighting those who contributed the highest sales value to your business.

Most Valuable Customers

Customer Name

Name of the customer as registered in Shopify.


The email address of the customer


Number of orders placed in a channel over a selected time period.

Total Spent

The total amount of money that the customer has spent at the shop

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Customized Marketing Strategies

Customized Marketing Strategies

Helps in understanding whether high-value customers are first-time or returning customers. This will help the shop owner create effective marketing channels that are tailored to these high-value customers.
Product Preferences

Product Preferences

Helps in identifying product preferences or popular products ordered by the high value customers
Analyze Purchase Patterns

Analyze Purchase Patterns

Analyze customer spending year over year, track their first and last orders, and assess purchase frequency. This enables you to spot trends, optimize offerings, and increase customer retention and lifetime value.

Customer Information

All essential details about your customers, from the day they became your customer to key personal information, along with a breakdown of the business they have contributed so far.

First Time Customer Orders

A record designed to easily analyze new customer behavior, such as their total spend and lifetime order count.

Returning Customers

Summarized data to track all returning customers within a selected period, highlighting the number of orders they placed and the total amount spent during that time.

First Time vs Returning Customers sales

A report that offers daily insights into orders, differentiating between new and returning customers, along with the sales value generated by each group.

Outstanding Customer Payments

Summarized data to monitor payments yet to be received from customers, including customer details and corresponding order information.

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Unlock the full potential of your Shopify store with Report Pundit. Gain access to over 2000 data fields, automate reports, and make data-backed decisions to grow your business.