Out of Stock Product

A report listing products that are out of stock, including essential details such as product inventory and the location where the stock was depleted.

Out of Stock Product

Product Title

Name of unsold product.

Variant Title

Name of product variant (Variant is a version of the product differing by attributes like color, size, aging, etc.).


Status shows whether a cart is opened, closed, or converted

Inventory Quantity

The number of items in stock for the product category.

Published At

The date and time when the product was published.


The unique identifier for the product in the shop.

Product Cost

The purchase cost of the product.

Location Name

The name of the place where the Inventory is stored

Inventory Cost

Total product cost for available units in inventory. Calculated as Product Cost * Inventory.

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Out-of-Stock Products

Out-of-Stock Products

Identify which products are out of stock, ensuring timely restocking and preventing lost sales.
Track Stock Depletion

Track Stock Depletion

Insights into where stock was depleted, plans to manage and prioritize replenishment for specific locations.
Inventory Control

Inventory Control

Helps to streamline stock control and improve overall inventory efficiency.

Inventory Cost

The Inventory Cost Report provides a comprehensive analysis of the costs associated with your inventory, giving you a clear view of the financial investment tied up in stock. This report calculates the cost of inventory on hand and can include both current and historical cost data

Inventory by Product Type

This is grouped inventory data organized by custom product types, alongside product and variant details, providing a comprehensive view to analyze overall inventory status.

Inventory Reorder Point

This report helps identify the exact point at which inventory should be restocked to prevent any interruptions in product availability, ensuring a smooth supply chain from both your inventory and your vendor's end. It informs the merchant about the sales velocity, lead time, and safety stock.

Inventory by Collections

This report provides a detailed view of inventory levels, organized by product collections, allowing businesses to track stock availability and manage inventory efficiently.

Low Stock Product

The Low Stock Product Report highlights products that are approaching or have reached a low stock threshold, helping Shopify merchants proactively manage restocking needs. This report is crucial for preventing stockouts on popular items and ensuring seamless sales without interruption

Inventory Status

A comprehensive overview of product inventory, detailing the quantity available for products that are live, in draft, or have been archived.

Inventory on Hand

The Inventory on Hand Report provides a snapshot of the current stock levels for all products, giving you a clear view of your available inventory at any given time.

Inventory Sale Value Report

A report outlining the sale value of your inventory, including details on product quantities, variants, collections, and total value based on current sale prices for analysis.

Out Of Stock Report (daily)

An Out of Stock Report in Report Pundit typically provides insights into the availability of products in your inventory.

Inventory by Location

A report organized by inventory locations, detailing products and variants on hand, with a breakdown of the value for each product.

Inventory level Indicator

The report provides Shopify merchants with a real-time analysis of stock levels, highlighting products that are overstocked, optimally stocked, or understocked. This report is essential for monitoring stock health and ensuring that inventory levels align with demand.

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