Sales by Variant

Gain detailed insights into each product variant's performance with the Sales by Variant Report. Beyond basic sales data, it shows how each variant impacts your store's success. Use it to fine-tune inventory management and identify popular options, helping you make strategic decisions to boost your bottom line.

Sales by Variant

Product Title

Name of unsold product.

Variant Title

Name of product variant (Variant is a version of the product differing by attributes like color, size, aging, etc.).

Variant SKU

A unique identifier for the item in fulfillment.

Net Quantity

Equates to number of sold items – number of returned items

Gross Sales

Gross sales amount of a region. Calculated as Product Price x Ordered Quantity.


Any discounts applied to the product or the order.


The value of any returned items.

Net Sales

Equates to gross sales - discounts - returns.


Total taxes collected at each billing location. Includes Shopify-specific ones like shipping taxes.

Total Sales

The final sales amount used to calculate the commission.

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Granular Sales Insights

Granular Sales Insights

Analyze your sales data by product variant to understand each product's unique contribution. Tailor your offerings to customer preferences and drive more targeted sales.
Uncover Hidden Opportunities

Uncover Hidden Opportunities

Identify top-performing variants and those needing a promotional push. This report highlights product popularity by variant, helping you optimize inventory and marketing strategies.
Smart Inventory Control

Smart Inventory Control

Monitor stock levels for each variant. This report shows what's selling and what's left, helping you manage inventory effectively.

Sales by Customer

The Sales by Customer Report provides Shopify merchants with valuable insights into customer purchasing behavior. This report breaks down sales by individual customers, highlighting the most valuable and active customers.

Commission Report

The Commission Report is the key to rewarding store staff and affiliates for sales they generate. It provides an overview of their sales performance along with calculated commissions share.

Last 24 Hours Orders

Use the Last 24 Hours Orders report to stay updated on all orders placed within the past day. It provides critical insights into sales trends, customer transactions, and order statuses, allowing you to monitor your store's recent activity and make informed business decisions.

Sales by Product

The Sales by Product report offers details about each product’s sales performance over a given time frame. It provides valuable insights into which of your products are and aren’t selling well. These insights will enable you to make informed decisions about inventory management and marketing and improve your business.

Sales by Fulfillment Location

Data reported to analyze sales based on order fulfillment locations for any specified date range, including product quantity sold and corresponding sales value.

Sales Over Time

Leverage historical data with the Sales Over Time Report. This report covers costs, order details, sales channels, and payment methods, helping you track trends, manage sales tax returns, and assess the effectiveness of each sales channel.

Sales by Channel

The Sales by Channel report displays sales data based on the source of each sale. It's a valuable report offering insights into multichannel Shopify selling.

Completed Draft Order

This report provides insights into finalized draft orders, displaying detailed information on converted orders, including product details, pricing, and customer data for analysis.

Sales by Discount Code

Sales by Discount Code report in Report Pundit provides a detailed analysis of sales generated through specific discount codes over a defined period.


Report Pundit’s Refund Report records the details of money returned by a Shopify merchant to unsatisfied customers when they return the product/service. These reports help the merchant keep track of the refunds issued, monitor customer satisfaction and have a proper record of financial transactions for filing taxes.

Order vs Return (Monthly)

A report interpreting monthly returns by comparing the total sales value with the sales value of returned orders, including percentage calculations for both return orders and return value.

Sales by Checkout Currency

This report displays the breakdown of your sales by customer currency used at the checkout with the total sales value also being displayed in your local currency.

Sales by POS

The report provides detailed sales figures and net product counts, accounting for refunds, at each POS location, offering a clear view of actual sales performance and inventory movement.

Finance Summary

The Finance Summary Report provides an overview of your store’s financial performance by aggregating key revenue, expense, and tax data. This report helps store owners understand their overall profitability, cash flow, and key cost drivers, making it essential for budgeting and financial planning

Sales by Billing Location

The Sales by Billing Location report in Shopify provides a detailed breakdown of sales based on the billing addresses of your customers. This report categorizes sales data of your customer base by country, region, or city.

Sales by Collections

The Sales by Collections report provides a detailed view of your product sales, inventory costs, and profitability by collection, helping you see which collections drive revenue and how they resonate with your audience, allowing you to tailor your product strategies accordingly.

Order Tags and Line Item Properties

A detailed report built to include order tags and line items added to each placed order, along with essential sales and product details for thorough analysis and processing.

Sales by Device ID

The report displays sales data segmented by device type, such as mobile, desktop, or tablet, allowing merchants to analyze performance based on customer device usage.

Sales by Vendor

The Sales by Vendor report analyzes how each vendor's products contribute to your store's success. By examining sales, purchase costs, and profitability, this report provides insights to make strategic decisions, maximize profits, and optimize inventory management based on vendor performance.

Sales by Staff

A report designed for quick analysis of sales attributed to each staff member across all POS locations, with details from gross sales to net sales calculations.

Last 30 days Sales Summary

A report that provides a comprehensive overview of sales performance over the past 30 days, including total revenue, order count, average order value, and product-specific sales trends for detailed analysis.

Build and automate your Shopify Reporting

Unlock the full potential of your Shopify store with Report Pundit. Gain access to over 2000 data fields, automate reports, and make data-backed decisions to grow your business.