All Products Report Report
Our All Products report provides details for each variant Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). It tracks changes made to all SKUs in real-time. This report is packed with detailed data fields for each product variant, offering in-depth insights into your store. Analyze it to fully understand your pricing strategy, costs, inventory status, marketing efforts, and more.
Product Title
Name of unsold product.
Variant Title
Name of product variant (Variant is a version of the product differing by attributes like color, size, aging, etc.).
The unique identifier for the product in the shop.
Product Type
Type of product you are selling; for example, pants, shirts, or shoes.
Keywords assigned by merchants to products. Makes product search easier.
Meta Description
Product page summary. Displayed when customers search for the product online.
Custom Collections
Name of custom product collection created by merchant. Examples include Summer Collection, Winter Collection, etc.
Smart Collections
Product collection name automatically generated by Shopify. Based on product details added by merchant.
Fields for customers to add details other than product information key for purchases. Helps buyers make informed purchases and merchants collect extra information to improve service quality. Examples: personalized messages on products, detailed delivery instructions.
The supplier of the specific product.
Tag used for the product variant SKU. Example: 20% off.
Unique barcode ID for the product variant SKU.
Product Cost
The purchase cost of the product.
Product Price
The listing price of the product.
Inventory Quantity
The number of items in stock for the product category.
Granular Product-Level Insights
Discount Analysis
Order Tracking
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